We have heard it all before, how the world knowingly and unknowingly promotes a counterfeit of intimacy that destroys love, loyalty, and trust. Please join me in a story based on actual events that expose the false belief systems wreaking havoc in so many marriages and relationships.
The unspoken screams havoc! These are excerpts from the SOON TO BE
RELEASED, Discussion Study Guide for Unraveled-Rewoven Book 2 RIPPED.
Catherine has caught her husband looking at pornography once again. She is heartbroken, angry, and burning with distrust. They met at their counselor’s office; Marion discusses the effects pornography has on marriage and intimacy. She shares a biblical view of the marital bed from God’s perspective.
“First of all, God designed intimacy in marriage. He wants the marriage bed to be pure, intimate—bonding married couples. The Lord bases marriage and intercourse upon love and giving, bringing the couple closer: body, soul, and spirit. A soul tie occurs when the
marriage is consummated. The two become one. It is the glue—giving the relationship strength to weather life’s challenges—together.”
“The world has defiled God’s design for marriage and intimacy and replaced it with superficial sex-based lust of taking and using. The world laughs at the thought of a couple being virgins until they are married. Nevertheless, there is a crucial reason as to why the Bible
teaches this.”
“We are influenced by the world’s ways all too much. However, if we think about it, God’s design is to remain pure and wait for the biggest day in our lives.”
“Imagine that you are together with your family, closest friends, and your cherished love—your fiancé,” I say. “The wedding day finally arrives. You stand proud and make promising vows. The celebration of your life follows the covenantal ceremony. And then, the crescendo of the event is here.” I watch their faces, then say in a soft voice, “It is your wedding night.”
“The consummation of the marriage bed leads you, the couple, to focus and imprint on giving your love to one another. Your hearts are intertwined. True intimacy—together.”
“The act of sexual intimacy— the giving of pleasure—is to be experienced exclusively with one another. Sacred to the marriage covenant and the marriage bed.”
Pages 322-324
Have you experienced sexual intimacy the way God intended? How has that impacted your life and relationship(s)? If not, how has that impacted your life and relationship(s)?
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Sondra Umberger, Author, Speaker, Christian counselor, an ordained minister, and President of Healing Hearts Ministry, Inc., Connecting to Christ, offers faith-based materials and counsel on how to prevail over the challenges and struggles of life. Sondra addresses a variety of topics, including confronting and overcoming trauma and abuse.
Sondra having practiced Christian counseling from 2000-2021 is available to speak on an array of topics encouraging healing and freedom.
Sondra Umberger sondraumberger@gmail.com, www.ConnectingToChrist.com