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Book I 
Innocence Stolen
by Sondra Umberger




A novel based on true events. CATHERINE—a jilted divorcee’ must face her suppressed childhood memories, secrets hidden for decades, from when her family called her CATIE. Fragments of haunting images creep out of her subconscious and merge into one recurring nightmare. 


Determined to unlock the mysteries of her past, Catherine seeks Christian counseling with, MARION. Together they reopen terrifying windows in time Catherine nailed shut nearly thirty years ago. 


Her ‘lost years’…

        A time—she can’t remember. 


When HUNTER enters her life, spawning an unexpected relationship, Catherine’s pursuit of truth takes new twists and turns.

  • What is causing this dark, inescapable dream that haunts her? 

  • Will Hunter stand by as the perils of her lost years unravel? 

  • Will Catherine regret opening this sinister gap in time?  


A diabolical can of worms…

        A time—meant to be forgotten.



“The author of Unraveled-Rewoven pens an excellent trilogy that unmasks the inconceivable anguish of the brokenhearted. A novel based on real events—a faith-igniting story of perseverance and victory, leaving your EYES WIDE-OPEN.”

Catherine Scholz M.Ed., M.S. LPC


 “A triumphant story based on shocking true events, of how an innocent child, a determined woman, and a Christian counselor, journey for the truth, and overcome the unimaginable. COULDN’T PUT THE BOOK DOWN.”

MJ Turner, Retired Christian Counselor


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Book II
Lies Exposed
by Sondra Umberger



A novel based on true events.

CATHERINE, supported by her Christian counselor, MARION, probe into the dark, suppressed memories of her childhood days as CATIE. 


Courageously, Catherine fights to remember the horrific abuse at the hands of her dreadful, deceiving stepmother. She battles to save herself, and her baby brother, CHARLEY, from the evils of a world that few people realize exists.


Secretsmeant to be concealed.  


Believing their deadly threats to kill her family that she desperately loves, Catie suffers silently. Hopeless and not knowing whom to trust, Catie finds and clings to a glimmer of hope after hearing about a special man.


While Catherine unearths her youth, digging for the truth, new perils arise as her husband; HUNTER’s dark secrets are exposed. 


  • Will she find the strength to endure?  

  • Will Catherine regret uncovering the inconceivable evil of her past? 

  • Will the lies of Hunter’s betrayals prove too much to overcome? 


 Realities—meant to be hidden. 



“As a retired sergeant major, a police officer, and a public servant, I have seen abuse, violence, and dysfunction on many levels. These novels, inspired by real events, expose subjects that need to be brought to the light while showing healing and redemption that come through faith. EYE-OPENING AND CAPTIVATING.”  R. L. Richards 


“This riveting trilogy will take you into the depths of an evil realm swirling with lies, abuse, and sheer terror. Yet faith rises and light battles against the darkness, finding perseverance, promises, and power.  Based on

a true story— A MUST READ.” 

Anna Wise, Author

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Book III 
Truth Unfolds
by Sondra Umberger



A novel based on true events.

CATHERINE has well-guarded boundaries nailed into place; determined never to be mistreated or deceived again by any man. Separated and on her own, she keeps HUNTER, her husband at a distance, demanding that he faces his demons of addiction. 


Christian counselor, MARION, encourages Catherine, also known as CATIE, to unlock the black box of her hidden childhood secrets, known as her ‘lost years. Frightened and fragmented, only seeing pieces to the puzzle, she perseveres. Images appear. Secrets revealed. Questions are answered as the recollections unravel. Catherine experiences God’s provision, protection, and exercises the unique gifts he gave her as a child. 


A time—meant to be silenced. 


  • As darkness is dispelled by light,

  • a spiritual battle erupts. They must face a mountain of challenges. Is it all too much?     

  • Will they overcome the formidable odds stacked against them?     

  • Will Catherine learn to love and trust an invisible God and a husband whose betrayal amplified her brokenness?


The unspoken—is exposed.



“When all feels lost, discover hope, healing, and redemption—A PAGE TURNER.”  Genevra Bonati, Author


“A captivating novel based on actual events. Determined and combating evil with faith-based principles, confrontations ignite, and spiritual weapons discharge, leading to victory!

A story of sexual addiction that exposes the hidden lies of many. OFFERS HOPE AND RESTORATION.”

J. C. Richards, Author

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Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, 

and he with Me. -Rev. 3:20

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